So today was errand day. Lucky me - hubby was home with the kids so I was able to head out alone and get a few things crossed off the to do list.
So there I was at Costco economizing up the yin-yang. Comparing prices and figuring out what constituted a good deal, and when I could do better at the grocery store (I was able to do the math in my head since I was sans children). But time after time I was faced with the same dilemma how to chose between simplify, economize and minimize? Milk, orange juice, vinegar and even my all-natural laundry detergent - all in huge plastic containers. I can't stand all the plastic! I've looked into organic milk in cardboard jugs, but the cost is astronomical. I've started using all-natural laundry detergent (even though it costs more) and it works great and makes me feel really superior about saving the planet, but what about the plastic jug it comes in? It makes me feels like a hypocrite. So all we can do is prioritize according to our own conscience. Perhaps I should have bypassed the rotisserie chicken which was encased in a plastic box, but at that moment "simplify" was calling my name.
So as I deal with my plastic guilt, I'll let you think about these ideas:
Simplify - I was making cookies yesterday, and once again I was faced with the dreaded task of chopping nuts. So I just threw them in whole. I vow to not chop again! Maybe you don't mind chopping - but if you eat my banana bread, be ready for the chunks. (Hey, I never promised earth shattering ideas.)
Organize- OK, here's another little but effective idea. If you want your closets to look organized, even if they're not, use all matching hangers. I put all white hangers in my closets when we were putting our last house on the market (I read it in one of those house staging books). It looks very tidy. All the pants and shirts hang at the same level. Also, if you have round and painted closet rods, try buying those plastic covers for shower curtain rods. They come in all colors (but please buy white for aesthetic purposes). You can pop them on over the chipped paint. Clothes hangers slide smoothly and it sure looks better.
Economize -Are you buying expensive cleaners for your stainless steel appliances? Try using rubbing alcohol. Apply straight from the bottle onto a dry cloth and wipe down your appliances. It disinfects and evaporates before it can leave any streaks. It's also way cheaper, more effective, and environmentally friendly than the chemical cleaners on the market. (Thanks for this idea Mom.)
Minimize - Use powdered milk whenever you can. This is cheaper than regular milk, and it doesn't come in the dreaded plastic container. I use it in all my baking. No need to reconstitute. Just add the powder in with the dry ingredients, and the water in with the wet. This also saves trips to the store. We go through tons of milk and I like to make it last as long as possible.
That's it for today, I'll be back soon with more earth-shattering notions to change your life. P.
P-Impressive, I love the clip art. Also the powdered milk is a great idea used in baking, I had never thought of that. I have been cleaning/purging/organizing all day, and am off to get some hooks tonight. They are the perfect solution for Sophie's bathrobe, which is usually on the floor!
P- More thoughts. If the laundry detergent comes in a plastic tub or bucket, could you rinse it out and use it for something else afterward? I'm thinking storage in the garage, or a bucket for the kids. Mine comes in paperboard, which i do recycle. Re the milk sister cuts the top off of hers and keeps it on the counter for wet kitchen waste, which she then composts. I like your ideas, they are making me think.
Great ideas!! I am so impressed!! Can't wait to hear more - KK
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